“WE had a lovely time, so hard to choose from all the delicious puddings” 

“We lost at boules but will be back next year to win”

“Proper sausages in the hot dogs I went back for more”

“We had most fun in the Lego corner” (father and daughter).

These were some of the comments made by those who went along to Zeal Monachorum Village Hall’s Boules and Barbecue held at the Village Hall on July 8.

At the Boules and Barbecue event.
At the Boules and Barbecue event. (David Bowyer)

It was a beautiful balmy evening and about 50 people including a good number of children turned out to support the event, very heartening for the volunteers who had worked hard to make it a success.

The primary aim was for everyone to have a good time but also to raise money for the running and maintenance costs of the Village Hall - on this occasion both were achieved, with more than £300 raised.  

Erica Eden, Hall Chair, said: “What was really great was how so many people contributed, not just those on the Committee.

"If something needed doing someone would step up to the plate and make it happen, whether it was slaving over a hot barbecue, cooking onions, selling raffle tickets, washing up, providing desserts and much more, it really showed what a lovely community we live in.”

Winners of the Boules tournaments: children - Kian and Casey Panchal; adults - Richard Carey and Martin Down.