THE President of Colebrooke Women’s Institute, Valerie Pennington, welcomed members to the Parish Hall for our May Meeting.  

Our speaker was Peter Budd who showed us various audio visual presentations which he had made.

Peter uses a computer programme to make the audio visual presentations but has taught himself along with picking up tips from members of the audio visual groups he is a member of.

He showed us several presentations.  The first presentation was “All Aglow”, which was of the Christmas Lights in the gardens at RHS Rosemoor.

This was followed by a presentation called “Scarecrows” which comprised photos taken of the scarecrows at Sandford which he made into a one minute audio visual presentation.

We then saw a presentation about Merrivale on Dartmoor followed by a creative presentation called “Monet” in which photos he had taken of various flowers and scenery were altered to resemble paintings by Monet.

Other presentations he showed us were: “This Old Book”, which was located at Bristol and based on a book titled “True Tales of the Sea”, “History Walk”, which was about the history of Crete, “This Trip Different”, which was a trip on the Waverley Paddle Steamer in the English Channel, “Control of Line”, which featured steam trains on the West Somerset Railway, “The Air Show”, which included various aeroplanes including the Red Arrows and the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight.

It is amazing what you can do with photos and a computer!

In the business part of our meeting members discussed where they would like to go for our annual outing on July 9 and members decided they would like to go to The Grand Western Canal at Tiverton.  

For our next meeting on June 11, Eric Parkes will be telling us about the work of the Lions Club. 

For further information, or if you would be interested in attending our meetings, please contact Andrea Armstrong on 01363 84198.