WITH beautiful weather in the afternoon, more than 250 primary school children enjoyed a great tag rugby festival hosted by Crediton RFC.

The event was organised by Hayward’s Primary School teacher, Scott Baker.

Scott said: “The club kindly let us play on the First XV pitch, an honour many never get, and the young players stepped up to the challenge.

“We were very impressed with such a high standard of rugby skill which also bodes well for the future of the club.

“In a tense final, Thorverton beat Brampford Speke with some fantastic expansive rugby with confident running and passing - congratulations to them.

“Not surprisingly, we were once again proud the positive attitude of the children showing the core values of the game and this was evident in the smiles of the children as they played in such a positive atmosphere. 

“The much coveted ‘Fair Play’ Award was won by Cheriton Fitzpaine for their sportsmanship and respect toward officials and the opposition.

“Thanks again to Queen Elizabeth’s School for providing the referees, allowing them to grow as leaders, us to manage our teams and the children to have people around who they might want to listen to.

“Finally, a massive thanks to all the adults who helped make it work from setting up the pitches, running teams, first aid and organising the latter stages.

“It is amazing what rugby people do for our children.”