PEOPLE attending Zeal Monachorum Village Hall’s AGM, from 7.30pm on Monday, November 20, will find a bonus in a history exhibition focusing on the Village Hall with new unseen material plus a reprise of related displays from the exhibition held for the Diamond Jubilee last year.

The Chair of the Village Hall Management Committee, Erica Eden who also looks after Zeal’s archive says: “Some fascinating documents have come to light in old deeds and correspondence from the middle of the 1800s into the 1960s, so one can trace the development of the building through the last 150 years.

“What I’ve found most intriguing are the people who were key to making things happen and in my mind they have come to life. Whether people have lived in Zeal for a long or a short time I think they will enjoy this peek into their community’s past.”

There will be reports at the AGM on plans for the Hall’s future, the opportunity to ask questions and residents will elect people to the Committee.  This will be followed by wine and cheese. Everyone is welcome and there is no charge for the evening or the refreshments. Enquiries can be made on 01363 82571.