FOLLOWING suggestions from Sandford parishioners, Devon County Council and Dartline were approached by Sandford Parish Council to ask if it was possible for the Sandford 369 bus to be re-routed to include a stop at Redlands Surgery in Crediton.

There was one parishioner present for the Open Forum at the March meeting of Sandford Parish Council who raised the matter of weed spraying in the village (with a solution of vinegar, salt and washing up liquid) and to say that they were happy to volunteer with this.  This was the first such offer to be received.

The individual suggested that the deadline for responding to the appeal for volunteers be extended and it was agreed to extend the response date to April 7.

Roll of Honour for World War One/Two at the Congregational Church.  The Clerk had been approached by Marion Nosworthy to ask, in view of the closure of the Church, whether a new home could be found for the Roll of Honour.

The Clerk had discussed this with Jim King, at St Swithun’s Church, who had advised there was no space large enough in the Church to take the Roll of Honour.

It was agreed to contact the Parish Hall and Sandford Heritage Group for any suggestions for a new home for the plaque.

Failing this it was agreed that a decision would need to be taken nationally by the Congregational Church Federation once the future of the Church was known.

Meeting with Devon County Council Road Safety Officer.  A response was still awaited. Local Devon County Councillor, Mrs Margaret Squires explained that any straightforward road schemes would be discussed by HATOC (Highway and Traffic Orders Committee) at the end of March.

Cllr Squires would press James Anstee (DCC Road Safety Officer) for his suggestions and recommendations to address the Sandford highway issues.

It was agreed that the proposed Public Consultation with the Parish over current issues, including any Road Safety recommendations, planned for March 19 would need to be cancelled.

Mrs Squires reported on a meeting that had taken place with Michelle Woodgates (DCC Highways) who was opposing the suggestion to close off Pedlarspool Lane and to allow traffic to pass through the proposed development at Pedlarspool.

MDDC had sent a copy of the March 2022 Town and Parish newsletter.  This included details of the Planning Training event that had taken place on February 24.

Tiverton Town Council were organising a Training course for new Councillors on March 16 and the Clerk had passed these details on to Cllr Glen Padgham.

Cllr Dave Hope had made a start on the submission of grant applications for new equipment for the play areas at the playing field and the one at Creedy View. Ministry of Play had submitted new equipment suggestions for both of these locations. The Clerk would circulate these and the matter would be discussed at the next meeting.

The Clerk gave an update on a recent working party to discuss the Parish Celebration of the Platinum Jubilee and a programme of events would be published shortly.

Date of next meeting was confirmed as April 7, beginning at 7.30pm, at Sandford Community Sports Pavilion.