CREDITON Town Team has launched a fundraising campaign to make flags to celebrate the amazing life of Rod Brookes-Hocking, who sadly died last year. 

Many "Courier" readers will have known Rod, a much loved figure who lived in the town for nearly 40 years and worked tirelessly on ambitious creative projects to support his community.

Rod led the campaign to develop the town square as the welcoming space we all enjoy today; together with the much missed Peter Hamilton, he produced many of the Arts Centre’s hugely successful Shakespeare in the Square shows; he directed several Crediton Festivals and, most recently, he devised and co-ordinated the creation of the Boniface Heritage Trail.  

Rod also set up and led the Crediton Town Team, a voluntary group which works to maintain Crediton as a vibrant and fun place to live. One of the Town Team's most successful projects has been the annual Flag Project, when it decorates the town with colourful handmade flags, each representing a local business or community group.  

Rod always enjoyed this project so this year the Town Team wants to make some extra flags especially for him.

Each flag will depict one of his passions, such as teaching, theatre, walking, singing or St Boniface.   

Rosemary Stephenson, Chair, Crediton Town Team, said: "We plan to employ our wonderful flag artist, Charlotte Turner, to run workshops for Rod's friends and family to design and make up to 16 flags (each approximately 50cm square), which will be hung in Crediton town square this summer and in future years.

"We are hoping that those who knew and loved Rod will help us raise £2,500 to make this project happen. But we know that times are tough so, if you are not able to contribute financially, we would still welcome your help in other ways, with designing, making and hanging the flags. 

"Above all this will be an opportunity for those who loved Rod to gather and share memories while producing something lasting to celebrate his many achievements."

You can donate online via the JustGiving website:

If you would rather donate by cheque, or help in another way, please contact Rosemary at: [email protected] .

For more information about the Town Team’s Flag Project visit the website: .