THE Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Tedburn St Mary WI was held during our May meeting.

Maureen Hunter who is a Devon Federation Adviser was invited to guide us through the resolution and the financial and annual report.

The past year has been busy with members attending many events and fundraising activities.

It has been a very successful year in which we managed to maintain membership.

The resolution to be raised at the National AGM is very topical and is to put pressure on water companies to ensure our rivers and water courses are clean.

Our Coronation Supper was served after the meeting with fish terrine or coronation chicken, together with side dishes of baked potatoes and salad. A Coronation cake was the dessert.

Two members prepared the meal and the committee generally helped.

A glass of wine was served to toast the King which prompted a stirring rendition of the national anthem.

Cups for the most points accrued for the flower and competition entries were also presented.

The evening was enjoyed by all.

Our monthly activities include a craft, knitting and a walking group.

Shirley Kibbey

Tedburn St Mary WI