AT the October meeting of Sandford Parish Council, the Clerk reported on being asked to report a “Safety issue” over vehicles parked at the top of Rose and Crown Hill, under the sign post.

This meant drivers were unable to look up Back Lane to see whether any traffic was heading down the road and apparently there had been several “near misses”. It was also noted that disappointingly the Parking Sign in the Square had been stolen.

Proposed Meeting with Devon County Council Road Safety Officer – Still awaited (requested July 5, 2021).

It was suggested to contact the Leader of Devon County Council, John Hart, to ask for his assistance due to the long delay. After discussion it was agreed to contact Michelle Woodgates, DCC Highways, for her assistance and notify local County Councillor, Mrs Margaret Squires, of this course of action.

Despite a second letter, the trailer was still being parked in the Creedy View car park.

The future of the Sandford Parish Council Facebook page - It was decided to broaden the title of the Council Facebook page to read: Sandford and District Community Noticeboard.

This would make it clear that it was not only just Parish Council matters to be “Posted”.

A trial period was suggested. It was agreed that this was not the place for Parishioners to use for Parish Council business which should continue by the use of email, parish website etc.

For those not on Facebook there is a link on the Sandford Parish Council website where you can see the Facebook page.


The Clerk had been researching this agenda item with some positive responses over Listing Sandford Congregational Church and Hall for community use.

The first thing would be to make a submission to Mid Devon District Council to List the two buildings as Community Assets and the necessary forms had been obtained.

Devon Communities Together – A suggestion was made to contact the Congregational Federation Trustees, in Nottingham, at an early date to hear their proposals.

DALC - Details of obtaining loans for this purpose from the Public Works Loan Board had been received.

MDDC – A suggestion had been received to List the Church, and the Hall, as two separate items.

The Council discussed the way ahead and it was agreed to submit the Listing of the Congregational Church Hall as a Community Asset over the coming months.

The Clerk had obtained details of the cost of taking out a loan from the Public Works Loan Board.

Typical annual payments per £50,000 borrowed on a fixed rate were currently:

£10,313 pa over five years, £5,359 pa over 10 years, £3,774 pa over 15 years, £2,805 pa over 25 years.

Before any loan could be taken out the public would need to be consulted as this would need to be added to the Precept if funds were not available.

(Some years ago the Congregational Church Hall had been valued at £60,000.)

The question was asked as to whether there was a need for a further small hall in the village as most of the events held had been organised by Sandford Congregational Church eg lunches, jumble sales etc.

Congregational Church – There had been interest in, and outside, of the parish to turn this into an arts venue.

Whilst the Parish Council would consider supporting such a venture it felt unable to lead this initiative. Additionally this would need to be led by a local charity and it was suggested Sandford Area Community Action (SACA) might be interested in this venture.


Keith Stanlake had contacted the Clerk over a number of issues regarding lighting at Orchard Close.

New replacement lighting had been installed but “new energy bulbs” had been used.

This was found to be “too bright and intrusive and shining into their property”.

The engineer had come back and fitted a shade. It was noted that new energy bulbs would be used for replacements in the future and it was felt that Devon County Council should be made aware of the issue this caused.

The Clerk has passed this on to Councillor Squires to pursue.

Speed bumps – A request had been made to have these removed and this had already been done.

Lodge corner – It was a pity the road on Lodge Corner had not been repaired when the road works from the Lodge to the bottom of Rose and Crown Hill were undertaken.

Nick Unstead from New Buildings had submitted his Notice of Resignation as Parish Councillor with effect from the October meeting.

The Clerk had notified Mid Devon District Council and had posted these details on October 6.

After 14 days (October 21) if no request had been made to hold an Election the Parish Council could take action to Co-opt someone to fill the vacant seat.

Matt Perry, South West Water – Repairs to the track to the Sandford waste water treatment plant would take place on November 1, 2021, when it would be necessary to close the track.

The next meeting of the Council will take place at the Community Sports Pavilion at 7.30pm on November 4.