I WOULD like to thank Sustainable Crediton for a really entertaining and informative evening with Edward Jackson at the Crediton Congregational Church last Thursday evening.

His knowledge and enthusiasm for these iconic birds was infectious and I came away resolved to do my bit. 

One really simple thing we can all do if we have a smart phone is to download the RSPB Swift Mapping app.

We can all add to the data collection for swifts in our local area to record nest sites and where we see them “screaming” in a group overhead.

It’s great to see that there is already information logged for this area.

I will be writing to my local MP Mel Stride to ask for his support for swifts and other birds by encouraging local housing developments to include a simple “swift” brick per dwelling.

This is a hollow brick placed where swifts can access them to nest and raise their young. The birds don’t cause any damage or disturbance and aren’t as messy as some other breeds.

Summer wouldn’t be the same without these wonderful birds zooming over our heads. I’d encourage everyone to find out a little more about swifts and join me in doing something for them.

Jan Webb

Park Street
