IN the absence of the Chairman, Dave Hope (Vice Chairman) presided at the April meeting of Sandford Parish Council.

Sandford Congregational Church – It was understood that the property was on offer to turn it into a holiday home.

The prospective owner was keen to discuss the purchase of the Hall by Sandford Parish Council.

Play areas - The two play area refurbishments, and installation of new equipment, had now been completed at a cost of £39,000.

This was thanks to grants from the National Lottery and Suez Recycling, together with Mid Devon District Council Section 106 funding, plus play area funds accumulated by the Parish Council.

Cllr Dave Hope was thanked for the time and effort put into this project.

Later in the spring a new basketball hoop is to be installed at the Playing Field.

Discussion took place over the suggestion to remove the Litter bin (Percy Penguin) at Creedy View play area on the understanding that people “took their litter home”.

It was agreed to discuss this matter when dealing with the recommendations of the recent ROSPA play areas safety report.

Land gift - Belfield Homes had written regarding the “Gifting of land” to the Parish at the top of “Snows”.

When this had previously been discussed, although the Millennium Green was happy to acquire this land, it had asked whether the “Gifting” would cover all legal fees? It was agreed to ask the developers to confirm this was the case.

Zed Pods - Mid Devon District Councillor Elizabeth Lloyd confirmed that the planning application for “Zed Pods” at the “Crofts” car park site had been approved.

She advised the Parish Council to pursue the proposed meeting with the MDDC Housing Officer to discuss parking issues.

The Clerk advised that he had already sent three requests for this meeting.

Weavers Way - MDDC had granted permission for the “Weavers Way” revised planning application.

There were still outstanding issues concerning this development e.g, footpath, ownership of Public Open Space, Management Committee responsibilities etc.

It was agreed to discuss the outstanding issues with Adrian Devereaux (MDDC Planning), Richard Spurway (Devon County Council Footpath Officer) and Justin Denno (Developer).

Devon County Cllr Margaret Squires drew attention of the potential cuts to the Mobile Library Service.

She stressed the need for individuals to respond to the current consultation online, and available on the Have Your Say website: . The consultation will close on Friday, May 26.

On behalf of the Parish Council the Vice Chairman thanked Mid Devon District Cllr Elizabeth Lloyd and Parish Councillors Lizzie Dalton, Michael Lee and Steve Haley, who would be standing down at the May Elections, for their time spent serving the Parish Council and Sandford Parish.

The 2023 Parish Elections will take place on May 4.  It was understood that there was to be an Election for Sandford Parish Council.  The Clerk confirmed that £2,000 had been included in the 2023/2024 Precept to cover any estimated Election costs.

Date of next meeting - It was agreed to hold the first Meeting of the new Parish Council at the Community Sports Pavilion on Thursday, May 18 at 7.30pm.