MORCHARD Bishop Church of England Primary School hosted its annual Harvest Festival on Thursday, October 12.

This included a number of the children completing readings about the traditions of harvest, how it is celebrated around the world and a selection of prayers and reflections about our food.
It also was an opportunity for the children to sing a selection of their favourite hymns and harvest songs.
Rev Robert Gordon joined the children in school and shared a song and a prayer about variety and how fortunate we are to be able to have access to a wide range of foods and drinks.

The children also thought about those who were currently in a time of need and the importance of our community supporting everyone.
This year, the school held a collection and all of the food collected was donated to Crediton Foodbank.
A group of children delivered the food to Fiona and the team on Friday morning (October 13) and were shown around the office whilst hearing about how important the foodbank is to a number of families in our community.
Sam Butler, Academy Head commented: "It is fantastic to be able to support such an incredible local charity and the work that it does in the community.
"We strive to ensure our children have strong links to the community and see the importance of people working together to ensure everyone has the opportunity to flourish."
Fiona Cochran, the Foodbank Co-ordinator added: "We are so thankful for the generous donation from the school community in Morchard Bishop, the donations will be used within the community to support many families."