[CUT!] is a newly created body of volunteers supported by Crediton Town Council.

PATHWAYS, the kerbs and public places have started deteriorating in Crediton and this year Crediton Town Council decided that it must look after our Town.

[CUT!] was born following the activity and expertise of a small group of volunteers lead by Paul Vincent.

So far [CUT!] has had four sessions (fortnightly, on Saturdays, from 3pm to 6pm).

The fourth session aimed to clean the High Street.  It supposed to be a Community action.

We delivered 200 leaflets on the High Street asking citizens of Crediton to come and help us. Nobody turned up!

There were our usual three Town councillors, Paul Vincent (he celebrated a year of High Street cleaning), one regular volunteer from Barnfield and three Ukrainian women (our usual volunteers). The most memorable part of the session was: It was a hot day, quite challenging, particularly on the sunny side of the High Street. A hairdresser from the Kings Barber Turkish salon came out and gave a little bottle of soft drink to everyone! Elderly people stopped and commented on our wonderful job, they felt safe doing this; younger people tried to ignore us, perhaps they were ashamed for not helping. One man left his car and declared: “The Town Council should do it!” I responded: “We are Town Council!” “I mean not the volunteers”, - he said. “All Town councillors are volunteers, whatever they do!” – I responded. “Really? I thought you are paid” – he said. 

No, we are not paid. We receive an allowance of slightly more than £100 a year! And some councillors waive it to save a bit of money for CTC budget. How very strange it is that our citizens are unaware of this! The only privilege we have is to spend our personal time trying to resolve the Town’s problems!

We couldn’t finish the whole High Street, making it only from St Lawrence Green to the Ship Hotel, both sides.

We would be more successful if more people came to help us.

Please join our initiative, come to help cleaning Crediton.

It is a very rewarding work; you can see the amazing transformation at the end!

Our next session is on Saturday, May 18, on Newcombes/Belle Parade junction, as far as Jockey Hill.

We will be working there from 3pm to 6 pm; you are welcome at any time. See you there!

Natalia Letch
