The prospect of starting a new school year will be exciting for many pupils and others might feel anxious after the long summer break.

It can also be a particularly challenging time for parents and carers of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. 

Devon County Council have come up with a few things you can do to make their return to school as comfortable as possible:

  • Talk to your child about how they are feeling 
  • Encourage positive talk about school and ask them what they're looking forward to
  • Try not to leave shopping for uniform or stationery to the last minute - we all know how stressful it can be! 
  • Give your child your full focus when they return from their first day back. 

The Young Minds website also has tips for working with your child’s school if your child is having difficulties and finding extra help if you need it.

It might take a little while for children to get used to the change, and there will be ups and downs. Try your best to support, reassure and comfort them, without putting pressure on yourself to make it better.