THE Sandford Community has sprung into action over how to deal with the Coronavirus Emergency in the Parish, and formed a Group titled “Sandford Pulls Together”.

Sandford Stores immediately put together a flyer, encouraging parishioners to use the shop for their needs ordering bread etc, and either making deliveries, or alternatively residents can pick their order up from the shop.

The shop is now serving through the front window and anyone needing to use the Post Office counter is encouraged to enter one at a time.

The flyers were then delivered around the parish by shop volunteers, with a message on the reverse from Sandford Parish Council asking for volunteers to react to any needs identified in the parish. Also for anyone with a need to make contact.

Sandford H Signs have now been distributed around the parish, and also included as an insert in the “Crossing” magazine.

Residents with a need like shopping, walking the dog etc are asked to put the H sign, with their telephone number, in their window.

If this is not responded to, the person should telephone Dom Dunn, Parish Emergency Officer (mobile 07817 493571), Parish Clerk Malcolm Valance on 01363 772769, or one of the contacts on the reverse of the H Sign.

Dom Dunn is in the process of splitting the centre of the village up into areas and will be appointing local Street wardens to regularly patrol their area.

Malcolm Vallance, Sandford Parish Clerk, said: “I have been asked to thank everyone in the Parish for responding in the usual ‘Sandford Spirit’.”

He added thanks to Gary at Hedgerow Print for turning the H signs around in record time, and to North Tawton Town Council for generously agreeing that the council could duplicate their H sign idea and adapt it to Sandford needs.

Mr Vallance added: “Sadly the Sandford VE Day Celebrations, complete with an appearance by Crediton Town Band, has had to be postponed. A suggestion has been made for a Parish Party and VE Celebration later in the year when things, hopefully, get back to normal.”