FOLK enthusiasts from across the county and further afield enjoyed Devon Folk Day which was held at Morchard Bishop on Saturday, March 23.

It included a Dartmoor Step Dancing workshop with Matt Norman, a focus on the Baring-Gould Collection with Jim Causley, Spoken Word with Cliff Eastabrook, Devon Songs with Jon Dyer and Gadarene, Devon Folklore with Mark Norman, A Taste of Morris and a spotlight on Mumming in Devon with Colin Andrews.

There were Devon Tunes with Nick Wyke and Gadarene, a Songwriters Circle with Greg Hancock, Devon Folk AGM, pub sessions.

Also, there was an evening Concert with foot-stomping dance beats and timeless folk tunes from Gadarene and a Ceilidh with foot-tapping traditional tunes by the Mooncoin Barn Dance Band.

It was the first such Folk Day since before Covid and was greatly enjoyed by all who attended.

Sessions were held at the Memorial Hall, Methodist Church and the London Inn.