THE service at Crediton Methodist Church on Sunday, May 12, was taken by Rev David Greenwood.

David told the Ascension story in an interactive form with congregation participation.

Jesus told the disciples He would have to leave them before they could receive the gift of the Holy Spirit which would enable them to go out into the world and perform miracles.

Two angels dressed in white appeared to the disciples and told them Jesus was in heaven and they should go down the mountain to Jerusalem and wait for the gift of the Holy Spirit.

David explained that we were coming to the end of the Easter Season and were now in the Ascension season.

Excitement had built up over the Easter period and next week we would celebrate Pentecost.  Ascension Day is often ignored, but it is vital.

If we do not have Ascension, then we do not have Pentecost.

In the reading from Ephesians we heard of Paul’s thanksgiving prayer for wisdom, revelation and knowledge so:

1. That you may know the hope to which God has called you. Jesus the Messiah is risen and we are waiting for the gift so that you will be my witnesses to the ends of the earth. The timing will be set by the Father. We are still living in hope.

2. You will know the riches of His glorious inheritance. In Acts we hear that Jesus was carried into heaven on a cloud. A cloud in the Bible always denotes the presence of God.  He will have rule, power and dominion. When Paul writes “you will know the glorious inheritance” he puts us up there with Jesus.  Paul says we are “co-heirs with Christ”. That is part of the promise.

3. You will know the immeasurable power and be baptised with the Holy Spirit and be able to speak in many languages and proclaim the power of Jesus.

Next week we celebrate Pentecost and that will give us hope, riches and immeasurable power. Pentecost is already here.

We do not have to wait until next week.

The Sprit is here now so that the gift of hope and power will be with us today when we leave this place. It has already come.

Bronwyn Nott

Crediton Methodist Church