CHERITON Fitzpaine Garden Club held its AGM at the Parish Hall in the village.

Grouped in small tables, there were a large number of members and potential members, despite the bitterly cold weather.

The meeting was opened by our Chairman, Andrew Dean, who thanked all those members, not necessarily on the Committee, who had helped to make the return of the Club from lockdown successful, with two shows, talks and social events.

We were just about coping financially, but with the lack of revenue during Covid, and the increased cost of speakers, we needed to look hard at events in the coming year.

Several people volunteered to give presentations organise outings or host social evenings.

It was also suggested that members and friends submit recipes which could be published locally.

Mary Burchmore, Vice-President volunteered to collate this venture.

Andrew was re-elected as Chairman, although he insisted he was only willing to do one more year in what is a very busy post.

Maggie Smith resigned as Secretary, a job which she has done for 10 years, and was presented with a large bouquet of flowers. She is to be replaced by Hilary Anderson.

Jeannine Rundle and Dee Marshall will stay for another year as Show Secretary and Treasurer respectively.

Our existing Constitution was very complicated and “wordy” and Mary Burchmore had submitted a simpler form and had had advice from Somerset Federation of Garden Clubs. This was agreed unanimously.

New members are always welcome.

The subscription remains at £12 a year, but will be raised to £15 a year.

From time-to-time, flower arranging workshops are organised, and are very popular. The price will depend on the materials and tuition used.

Our next meeting, in February, will be a social evening, probably in the Half Moon.

Details to be formalised as soon as it can be arranged.

For more information contact Andrew Dean on 01363 866976 or access: .

Mary Nunn