IN October 2023 a group of ladies from Zeal Monachorum decided to raise funds for Devon Air Ambulance Trust.

Marilyn MacQueen from Devon Air Ambulance, left, receives the cheque from the event from second left, Mandy Smith, Susie Bostock, Ali Birchwhite and Eleanor Wilson, at a get-together held at the Waie Inn on April 22.
(Mike Bostock)
They decided to do this by creating a casino night.

Having a good time at the Casino Night at the Waie Inn. Image: Mike Bostock
(Mike Bostock)
On Saturday, April 13, the five ladies staged the casino night with an auction and raffle in aid of the Devon Air Ambulance Trust at the Waie Inn in the village.

Having a good time at the Casino Night in aid of Devon Air Ambulance. Image: Mike Bostock
(Mike Bostock)
One of the organisers, Susan Bostock said: “It was a fabulous evening and very well attended.

One of the tables at the Casino Night. Image: Mike Bostock
(Mike Bostock)
“We would like to thank everyone who came and supported the event and those who could not make it but kindly donated prizes and auction items.

Having fun at one of the tables at the Casino Night. Image: Mike Bostock
(Mike Bostock)

Watching proceedings at one of the tables at the Casino Night. Image: Mike Bostock
(Mike Bostock)
“We would like to give a special ‘thank you’ to the Waie Inn for providing the room and an excellent buffet and to the auctioneer, Will Jones, who did an amazing job and was so entertaining – he is wasted as a farmer!

One of the raffle prizewinners at the Casino Night. Image: Mike Bostock
(Mike Bostock)

Marilyn MacQueen from Devon Air Ambulance, left, receives the cheque from the event from Mandy Smith, one of the five organisers.
(Mike Bostock)
“A great time was had by all.”