HAVING to raise £2,200 for a month-long trip to Cambodia to help build facilities such as wells and toilets, 16 years-old Erin Underhill held a cake sale at Crediton Methodist Church on Saturday morning, March 25.  

She had made a lot of the cakes, her brother Elan adding some as well as her grandmother, Jan Underhill.  

Two well-stocked tables were almost empty at the end.  The morning added up to just about finalising her fundraising.

Erin heard about the voluntary work being done in Cambodia through Camp International when a talk was given at her school 18 months ago.  She signed up.

Camp International, experts in sustainable student travel since 2002, has a network of permanent camps in seven countries.  They are built and staffed by local people, based right in the heart of communities and it works in partnership with local communities. 

More than 50,000 students have travelled with them.  Head office is in Ringwood, Hampshire. 

Erin will be travelling in July and, as well as the hard work, she is looking forward to activities such as snorkelling.  She said there are four camps in Cambodia, each with a different project. 

Now studying art and design at Exeter College, Erin has been raising funds in a lot of different ways including using her skills making and selling cards.

The trip has meant a number of inoculations, Erin’s last “jab” is in April.  She said she is so grateful for all the help she has received towards that fundraising.