NORTH Tawton Town Council is well on the way to having a third defibrillator installed, which is hoped will be sited on the north side of the Strawberry Field/Moor View roundabout, above the council-owned granite wall.

Discussions have taken place between the council and Western Power as to its feasibility.

The cost of the two existing defibrillators have been met by donations from individuals and businesses either direct or indirectly via the residue from the Local Directory.

Town and Parish (TAP) funding will pay for the third box, installation once again is being funded privately, for which the council would like to express its gratitude.

North Tawton Town Council decided from the outset not to purchase defibrillators outright, but to lease them from the South West Ambulance Trust.

The Ambulance Trust carry out periodic checks on the units, battery life, what should be there is there, if not to replace it. Or as was the case recently the complete unit, also an annual talk and demonstration, all for the initial cost.

If used there is a telephone number on the inside of the box to order replacement items, or contact the clerk, Ros on 01837 880121.

Steve Whiteley

on behalf of North Tawton Town Council.